My Hand in our BIGGEST Corporate Video Production Yet

Assisted video production
Shadowed a Camera Operator
Worked as a Casting Associate
Assigned for location scouting

Admittedly, filming over 80 shots at roughly 15 different locations was a tad more demanding than anticipated 🤯 Still... I wouldn't have traded this experience for anything 😆 It wasn't until later that my boss mentioned this was actually the longest and most ambitious production the company had ever done!

I'm only saddened that this was an internal video for HSSE (Health, Safety, Security & Environment) purposes. Therefore, I can't share the video since it's private and confidential to the client.

Lugging film equipment while wearing a safety helmet, safety boots, and earplugs (sometimes) was certainly an experience 😅not to mention being in a country located on the equator 🥵 I was a camera assistant on this shoot for the days working on the industrial sites.

As we began filming at the office locations, I was switched to keep track of the takes and other assistant producer work. I was also responsible for directly sourcing our main talent along with a needed last-minute featured extra cast member.

Fun fact: The client was so pleased that they presented her with a more long-term offer for future casting!

It's so great to see when you hit the mark for clients 😎🤝