Storyboarding & Shot Planning for a Large-scale Corporate Video Production

Shadowed a Video Producer
Made an animation
Sourced a storyboard artist
Created a Shot List
Brainstormed ideas

This project was the first major pre-production assignment I'd had as an intern. I worked with our production manager and producer to shoot reference photos and brainstorm appropriate shots for an upcoming Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) video.

It was quite the blast despite needing to plan over 80 different shots! πŸ˜† From emergency fire procedures to cyber security and everything in between was covered. πŸ€“Then, I sourced our storyboard artist for the project. Later, I used the shots to create an animatic for the presentations/meetings with the client πŸ˜‰

In such a huge company, we had quite a few revisions from the all-too-many department heads weighing in with their varying priorities πŸ˜…

I wish I had the animatic to share but that's private and confidential...